Predictive Safety is a company with integrity and respect for diversity. They are a high-performance company, and working with them has been great. I can recommend them for any project.
The future of PRISM™ is bright because as soon as managers and leaders grasp [the benefits], they’ll realize that there’s huge potential [in it], not only in health and safety but also in productivity.
PRISM™ has prevented a lot of injuries and encouraged employees to live a healthier lifestyle.
Our initial concern and reason for contacting Predictive Safety were two-fold: workers reporting without an adequate amount of sleep, as well as [the need for] a defense against substance impairment [on the job]. We found that AlertMeter® satisfied both of these needs, and an added benefit has been that since employees know that they will be tested daily they are reporting to work in a better condition and ready to go to work.
In this age of recreational marijuana, prescription drugs, alcohol use, and increasing [challenges with] worker fatigue, determining an employee’s cognitive ability and readiness for work has become complex and often requires more than a drug-testing program alone. AlertMeter® is an excellent tool for businesses looking for a real-time impairment testing solution.
Transportation & Logistics
We think AlertMeter® is the best bang for the buck of any of our safety practices. The feedback it gives to our employees motivates them to take responsibility for their off-time lifestyle behavior. they are definitely arriving more alert and more rested than they used to.”