Thanks so much for filling out our survey.
Your next step is to schedule a no-obligation Discovery Meeting with a member of our safety and productivity analytics team so we can better understand your unique needs and challenges.
- Accurately Track If a Worker is Sufficiently Alert to Perform Their Duties Safely and Efficiently
- Quick, 60-Second Test Can Easily Be Performed Any Time, Any Place
- Game-Like Interface Utilizes Worker-Derived Alghorythm and Can’t Be Cheated
- Objective Results Open Opportunities for Productive Conversations & Create a Collaborative Safety Culture
- See Fatigue Interpreted as Objective Data Giving Supervisors the Ability to Predict, in Real-Time, When Fatigue Progresses to Risk
- Empowers Workers and Supervisors to Engage Time-Efficient and Effective Counter Measures
- Demonstrated to Have a High Level of Worker Confidence and Uptake Helping to Create a Culture of Safety
- May Be Used with AlertMeter® to Provide Individual Fatigue & Impairment Status